Listeners, we talk about K Drama elements in every episode of our podcast! These elements are the tropes, objects, scenes and settings that we see in nearly every K Drama! Since we've added so many new elements recently, here is our most current list. Which elements are your favorites? What are we missing? Should any of these elements be renamed?
Please comment about your favorite elements and where you've seen those elements!
Beautiful actors, especially 5 characters
Second leads or second couples
Back hug
Amazing Cooking Skills, especially chopping
Wrist grab
Holding hands
First kiss, with a 360 view or multi-angle view
Trip and catch
Umbrella scene, with a sub-element of the man protecting the woman with an umbrella while rain falls on his shoulder
A great OST (original soundtrack)
Deep lean
Some connection from their past
Grandfather or older person keeping the couple apart
Head rest
Beach scene
Fireworks scene
Talking to someone while they’re sleeping
Saving your loved one from an oncoming biker, motorcycle or car or delivery guy
First snow
Putting on a shoe or fixing a shoe
Touching or fixing a loved one’s hair
Piggyback ride
Quirky best friend
Showing off some amazing abs
Protecting someone you love at personal cost to yourself
Finding your love across a crowded street, bridge or plaza
Product placement
Seeing your loved one or future love in a beautiful outfit and you are dumbstruck
Character who does not believe they are worthy of happiness
Death or a funeral
Tending to a loved one’s wound
Playing at an arcade and/or trying to win a stuffed animal for your loved one
Taking care of a sick loved one
Shoulder tap
Orphan/adopted character
Device or notebook that connects people across time and space
Having your love lean on you and you decide not to move in order to not disturb them
When snuggling with a loved one, one of the leads says “Just five more minutes”
CCTV cameras and footage
Hand clamped to mouth
Sink to the ground with great emotion
Telling someone to stay with you
Water scene
Asking someone to talk casually
Truck of doom
Long wait for love
Person with mixed loyalties
Waterproof cell phones