K Drama Chat is a weekly podcast where we take one Korean (K) Drama each season and and recap and analyze each episode. K Drama Chat is available on Apple Podcasts, Google Podcasts, Spotify and Pandora.
There are lots of podcasts that talk about K Dramas. Ours is a little different in that we decided to take one K Drama each season and devote a whole episode to each K Drama episode. Why do this? Because we want to go deep and explore the many layers and meanings of our favorite K Dramas. So far, the shows we've recapped and analyzed have been:
Season 7 - Queen of Tears
Season 6 - Gyeongsong Creature
Season 5 - Mr. Queen
Season 4 - 25, 21
Season 3 - Mr. Sunshine
Season 2 - It's Okay to Not Be Okay
Season 1 - Hotel Del Luna
We invite you to comment on each episode of our podcast. What did we get right? What did we get wrong? What did we miss? We look forward to the conversation!
We're also on Instagram @KDramaChat! Please like our page, comment on our posts, and message us with your comments!
Joanna and Jen were hosts during seasons 1 and 2. Then Jen decided to take a break, so now, K Drama Chat's co-hosts are Joanna and Sung Hee.
K Drama Chat is produced by Joanna Pineda. Our audio engineer is Jon Uriarte. Graphics are done by Alex Pineda. The website is maintained by MJ Kato.
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